About Judith Krall-Russo
Judith Krall–Russo has enjoyed a lifelong love of foods, especially embracing the rich agriculture of her home state – New Jersey. Also a tea expert and historian, she began studying the customs and traditions of this universal beverage 30 years ago and has earned certifications as a Tea Specialist by The Tea School in Pomfret, Connecticut and The Specialty Tea Institute of New York. Krall-Russo is currently studying the Japanese Tea Ceremony at Boukakuan Tea House in New Jersey and has studied at the Urasenke Chanoyu Center in New York City. She has taken lessons in gong fu Chinese tea ceremony at The Tea Gallery in New York City .
As a result of her independent studies and knowledge of the history and trends surrounding many popular New Jersey foods and beverages, Ms. Krall-Russo is a regular lecturer and seminar organizer across the state., Her most popular New Jersey programs are: The Jersey Tomato, Blueberries – New Jersey’s Wonder Fruit, and The New Jersey Cranberry.
She is a self-taught cook, supplementing her passion with classes in nutrition, ethnic and Early American cooking. She has planned menus and tea parties for various private parties and art receptions.
Ms. Krall Russo is an avid collector of tea accoutrements. Her collection includes a diverse array of English and Turkish teapots, Russian samovars and Japanese tea accoutrements.